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About Me:


Hi! I'm Annie, and I live with my soul-mate, aka as my best friend and husband in Australia, with our fur babies.


I have developed a passion for writing new adult romance, however it is not yet my full time job - I work in logistics to keep the bills paid and to buy sparkly things (as well books!  Books!  BOOKS!); but it would be nice to one day be able to turn up to the office at home in my work uniform of warm and toasty pajamas, with a coffee and where my only work collegue would be Digger, my kelpie dog.


I read romance, binge on it actually, and decided to give it ago writing it myself, completely commitment, to the point where the characters become my actual friends ~ only slightly sad, and I genuinely miss them when we don't spend time together.


I craft and we travel, we are also incredibly passionate Hawthorn supporters in our house, with; I might add, two perfectly functional eyes.


I use music to motivate me when I write, which I try to do every day I possibly can.


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